Achieving for Children would like to hear the views of parents/carers who have a child or young person receiving support from a setting/school/college for a special educational need ( SEN Support). We will use your feedback feed into continued improvements to best support children and young people.
Data protection statement:
The information collected about you in this survey is collected in compliance with data protection legislation. The information is held securely by Achieving for Children for the specific purpose of this survey and will not be shared with other agencies or organisations without seeking your explicit consent. For more detail, please read our privacy policy here:
1. If you are happy to be contacted to discuss your responses further please provide your contact details below, otherwise the survey will remain anonymous.
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
3. What is your ethnic origin (ethnicity)? *
4. Name of your child/young person's setting/school/college:
5. The key stage of your child/young person: